Jonah Adelman, Staff Writer
Jonah Adelman is currently a junior at Seabury Hall who has been attending the school since sophomore year. Previously before going to Seabury Hall Adelman lived in Phoenix, Arizona for 15 years of his life. As a freshman in Arizona he was part of a class consisting of approximately 850 students compared to Seabury Hall’s junior class size of 73. Since entering high school, Adelman’s academic interests have mainly been directed towards the sciences and English. During his freshman year, Adelman experienced a life-changing medical problems that changed his views and motivations in life. This one year episode of his life inspired his goal of becoming a pharmaceutical medicine developer or a pediatric gastroenterologist. Adelman enjoys participating in school athletics, such as cross country, paddling, and tennis. Outside of school, he enjoys road cycling, climbing, and diving. Adelman looks forward to being involved with the publication of “The Seabury Tides.”