Ella Wall, Staff Writer
Seabury Hall senior Ella Wall was born in Haiku, Maui and grew up in a little house in the jungle on the hillside overlooking Maliko Gulch. From an early age, Wall started to dress up in fairy and princess gowns and would always be thrilled to pick out her clothes for the day. Fashion design become a passion of hers in her early teenage years; she keeps journals of dream dresses and accessories that she hopes to one day create. Wall was born into a family of four artists, architects, and adventurers. She has attended Seabury Hall since the sixth grade and has really discovered herself and who she wishes to become. Wall never fails to speak her mind and dress whatever way she chooses. Her father was a photographer and taught her the artistic perspective of life. She began her art career at Seabury Hall, leading up to AP Art in her senior year where she began with coming up with an idea that would be the focus of all her work. For her concentration, she decided to create a metaphysical reality of the emotions, attachments, and feelings all people experience in life. Throughout her entire life, Wall has been a dancer. The stage is where she feels the most free and expressive. She uses fashion, art, and dance to express inner emotions with the world around her.